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I will write a statement about my work. In my childhood I had some interest in art. I did my first canvas painting with oil color when I was in boarding school in 9th standard and our class was in front of sea and I made that view of gloomy sunset… that was my first attempt. I have basic love for nature. From small I have been around lovely natural places like gir forest where you get inspirations like birds flowers wildlife landscapes etc… after leaving boarding school I used to do copy work as hobby and computers as main study. When time came to  join a college , I came to know about a art college in baroda , during that time I was studing computers in baroda. I applied for fine arts and I got admission for fine arts. I opted for painting in the next the time I was introduced to all kinds of weird music and drugs. So I started exploring. Now I will try to describe the content and the process of my art. That is what I show and how I do it…first I will start with what I show or what is the content in my artwork , or what are points of my interest.what interests me is what I am looking for , is what I am seeking, either into my work , or into the outer world.  It is a entity which I try to capture in my work which in quality is inmeasurable in space and unfathomable in time…all my work is kind of dreamscape with a pinch of horror. till now for painting generally I have used basically primary colors like red , blue , yellow ,  and also black and white with metallic colors like gold and silver so this type of colors used mostly in their pure form without mixing creates a intense and extreme effect visually.  The one whom I have studied the best is myself.  I actually did so many self portraits and even studies of my visual body parts.   So that has been subject of my works since when I have started working , self is the best subject to study , noboby cooperates better. So what to do when you cant see your back or behind ur eye. I have found a way, I imagine parts and things behind it and put it as it is… so you get my self in my compositions and things around me , ofcourse the energy around me,  and my bodies are forshortened in perspective , like extra perspective , like huge figures… my work is like where I identify myself with nature … all my work is about self , no one else, if there is anything else, I get identification with that thing , and I put that thing into my composition…I also define force or energy into my works with strokes,  there is lots of twisted  and streached figures in my compositions…I use lots of wild life figures in my works… I often morph the wild figures with human  figure in the compositions…when I compose or study I study even behind the skin , ,muscle and after , like doing a transparent study…see my figures you can see skin bones fibres everything in my figures …there is like a colorful glass body… , I often show gore in my pictures, it is fun, I often show blood , torn skin and exposed bones, I like horror…I often morph figures into mountains or cliffs or sky or clad or river and other natural things…for light I often put yellow as  light and , often white, and sometimes metallic silver as light source…well I am not a critic so I can not say much about artwork but now I will like to speak about how I do it… what I generally do is for surface I use  a black canvas which is used for industrial purpose , which is quite stronger than the traditional canvas… then I pin them all up on board on all wall of my room, then I apply black board paint as base on all of them , then I draw with chack or crayon or a pastel the composition on the canvas, then I start with a color like suppose blue , then after application of red , then after application of yellow, then black , white,  that way simoultaneously on all works layer by layer I work and work  to achieve the desired result…my work is some kind of mixture of action painting and surrealism…I sometimes let the paint flow or let the gravity or the force do the job…it sometimes offers vivid effects…I sometimes work in pattern.. like loop , like textures  in patterns …sometimes my work is seems like a program , it is actually like a program , and I am the programmer , but it is quite a spontaneous programming…when I compose a drawing even I start with a grid that if you can notice is there in every work of mine. Then I devide the space , sometimes the artwork is balance oriencented or sometimes the centre of perspective is shifted somewhere else, the grid is drawn in such a manner , then follows the composition ,after drawing the composition , and if you notice my compositions are like are computer programs but generated mechanichally. That is about how I do my work… you know actually I am a computer programmer before a painter , I was working as a programmer at a computer institute  when I came to know about art school, I did some computer art also  , like graphic design and animation , I have little quite experience in photography , and some rehab experience also…actually all my old work like drawing painting  and print all that I don’t have , some I have gifted, some lost, some damaged, some thrown away , that way … so recently I did some new works last few months there are like 25 new paintings and 9 new drawings , and most of the compositions in them are recreations of favorates of old works..still I have to write about this works… now next works what I will be doing will be with new content and new practices…

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